Sunday, August 16, 2015

20th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Link to today's readings
Proverbs 9:1-6, Psalm 34: 2-3,4-5,6-7, Ephesians 5:15-20, John 6:51-58

Click here to listen to today's homily
Delivered at Holy Spirit Catholic Church, Mustang, Oklahoma

A large part of this homily is in outline form. To experience the full homily, listen to the sound file posted above. 
In this part of the 6th chapter of John’s Gospel, Jesus uses very vivid physical images to emphasize an essential spiritual truthcommunion with Him is only way to true life. Some people hear these words—“”Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life”and think Jesus is promoting some kind of cannibalism—but that is not the case at all. Rather he is talking about giving the complete gift of himself to us, and as we unite ourselves to the Risen Lord we are granted a new kind of lifeeternal life. We hunger to take all that Jesus is into ourselves, that he might transform our hearts and minds into his. Thus, whoever eats his flesh and drinks his blood remains in him and he in them.

When we eat material food, it becomes us. When we eat spiritual food, we become it.

In other words, this spiritual food of the Eucharist transforms us into “other Christ’s.” Communion with the Risen Jesus means integrating his consciousness into ours. The way Jesus communicates his consciousness is by his death—
“The bread that I will give is my flesh for the life of the world.” His total self-gift on the cross is the heartbeat of the Mass and of the entire universe, and when Jesus expresses his desire for us to eat his flesh and drink his blood he is emphasizing this complete giving of himself to us and for us.

Communion with Christ means union with his heart, a heart open to all people,
a heart full of compassion for those who suffer, for those who live on the margins, for the forgotten ones of this world. Communion with Christ helps us think with Christ, to put on the mind of Christ, for he is always intent on doing the will of the Father. This is the way to wisdom, while fools follow their own will, yielding to shallow desires. Those who are in Communion with Wisdom-Enfleshed put out into the deep, exploring with Christ’s help the deepest desires of their heart. There, illuminated by Christ’s love, they discover the will of the Father.

I    The “OUR FATHER” opens the 3rd Section of the Liturgy of the Eucharist

In the celebration of the Mass, the Communion Rite opens with the “Our Father”
as we make Jesus’ words our own, joining Him in praying that God’s will be done. In this 3rd and final section (the Communion Rite) of the 3rd part of the Mass, (the Liturgy of the Eucharist), we pray the Lord’s Prayer, joining our lives to His.

Jesus teaches us how to surrender to the Father, how to depend on our Father
for our daily bread, which brings us a peace which the world cannot give,
which we want to share.

II. PEACE OF CHRIST which world cannot give

A. Peacenot absence of something but the Presence of Someone Christ

B. Continual effort at Reconciliation: Might be sitting next to family members whom you may have hurt or been hurt by in the past week. Only peace of Christ can make you one. Sin has affected us all, broken our bonds of Communion. Christ and the gift of His brings us back together in Him.

C. Connects to OUR FATHER“forgive us our trespasses as we forgive    those who trespass against us.”


HAVE MERCYanother cry for mercy to one who takes away sins of world

IV.   “LORD, I AM NOT WORTHY that you should enter under my
         roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed.”

A. One final cry for mercy—this is the centurion’s prayer in the Gospel.

B. We are hungry & thirsty for God and God wants to feed us,to give us to drink of his mercy. So the Lord God says the word. The word is MERCY!!!!!
V.  COMMUNION CHANT(song) – sing together during Communion

“The purpose of the Communion chant is to express the spiritual union
of the communicants by means of the unity of their voices, to show gladness of heart, and to bring out more clearly the ‘communitarian’ character of the procession to receive the Eucharist.” (General Instruction on the Roman Missal {GIRM} #86)


A. Still singing with the rest of the congregation as you come forward

B. Receiving the Body and Blood of Christ: 

1. Act of reverence (bow of the head, not of the body) “When receiving Holy Communion, the communicant bows his or her head before the sacrament as a gesture of reverence and receives the Body of the Lord from the minister….When Holy Communion is received under both kinds, the sign of reverence is also made before receiving the Precious Blood.”  (GIRM #160)

Can receive the Body of Christ either on the tongue or in the hand.
The response, AMEN, is meant to be an expression of belief.  
          Say it like you believe it.

2.       TAKE AND DRINK—important to receive the blood of Christ. Eating his flesh, drinking his blood.  Jesus commands us to do both.


Receiving the Eucharist demands something of us, that we prepare for such a great gift. We will never be completely worthy to receive the Body and Blood of the Lord, but we can properly dispose ourselves to receive this wonderful gift.  
Here are some basic regulations for receiving Holy Communion.

A. CATHOLIC—believe with the Church, be in Communion (Pope, Saints, Sacraments)

Remember, faith is never solely a personal relationship, solely Jesus & me. Each one of us is united to the Risen Christ in Holy Communion, but it is a gift given to the Church, to all of us, to make us One in Him.

B. If married, then married in the Church
1. One of the laws of the Church
2. If need an annulment for a previous marriage, I can help with this.

Those who are divorced and not remarried are able to receive Holy Communion. 

C. Be free of mortal sinExamples are murder, adultery, apostasy. A mortal sin cuts us completely off from God and is a rare sin.

If you have chosen to cut yourself off from the Church and her sacraments and have been away for more than a few months, then celebrating the Sacrament of Reconciliation is necessary.

D. The Church requires all Catholics to confess their sins at least once a year in the Sacrament of Reconciliation (also called the Sacrament of Penance)

E. Fast for one hour before receiving the Body and Blood of the Lord.

F. Those who are not Catholic or Catholics who are not properly disposed
can come forward in the Communion line for a blessing.

A. Continue singing the Communion Song until it is finished

B. Then together we offer silent prayers of thanksgiving.

C. Finally, the “Prayer after Communion” is spoken or sung by priest, concluding the Communion Rite and the 3rd part of the Mass.

Jesus in John’s Gospel tells us today, “Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you do not have life within you.” Without Christ and a share in his life, we are like the walking dead. With Christ, being in Communion with him by sharing in his body and blood, we come alive and find meaning for our life. We discover that dying with Christ is the only way to rise with him to new life.

As enter into Communion with Christ in this Eucharist, we are more able to see Christ present in others.

Mother Theresa reflects upon this truth, stating: 
“In Holy Communion we have Christ under the appearance of bread. In our work we find him under the appearance of flesh and blood. It is the same Christ."

Fr. Joseph A. Jacobi